
This is how we make an impact  

Together towards a sustainable future

The founding mission of Collow is to contribute to the reskilling and upskilling of the 1,6 million Dutch people who have a job that is going to disappear. With every individual that reskills or upskills with our platform, we contribute to two of the Sustainable Development Goals that are close to our hearts:

Quality education

Decent work and economic growth

To be of maximum positive impact, the vision of Collow is to offer its services to businesses, so they can profit from newly gained knowledge and future proof employees, whilst employees can reskill and upskill without paying the bill.

SDG doel
Ons doel
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
By Q4 2025, successfully upskill 2000 professionals and reskill 500 professionals.
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors.
By Q4 2025, 90% of Collow users is learning technological skills and 70% of Collow users enjoys their job better after re- or upskilling.

Transparency and reporting

We like to show the impact we make in an annual impact report, the first of which will appear in Q1 2026. This is great for our customers as well, who are increasingly confronted with measures regarding the assessment of their suppliers. This makes Collow a transparent partner who reports annually on their own impact on the world.

Our annual impact report is published on this page.