Learning HTML and CSS: A Beginner's Guide

Are you interested in web development? Then learning HTML is a great first step. HTML is the first of the three building blocks for creating websites. HTML is often mentioned in the same breath as CSS. The two are often combined in a course, just like our HTML and CSS Fundamentals course

Read more about HTML and CSS and start learning!

What is HTML?

HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard markup language for building web pages and web applications. It is a fundamental building block of the World Wide Web and is used to represent the structure and content of a web page. HTML makes it possible to display and organize text, images, videos, hyperlinks and other media in a structured way.

Just look at a website and right-click: 'view page source'. You are then looking at the 'bare' HTML: a web page without any layout. HTML uses tags (also called elements) to mark and structure the content of a web page. A tag consists of an opening character (). For example, the h1 tag is used to define the largest heading in HTML, and the p tag is used to define a paragraph.

In addition to structuring content, HTML can also be used to insert hyperlinks to other web pages or files. This allows users to easily navigate between different pages and resources on the web.

But HTML is much more fun (and complex) than we can explain on this page. That's why we have extensive training for it! Register and take the training for free!

Why should you learn HTML and CSS?

For a web developer, knowledge of HTML and CSS is an essential skill, because these are the building blocks of websites. By learning HTML and CSS you will learn to understand how websites work. You will gain a deeper insight into how websites are constructed and how websites function. You will also learn to understand the structure and layout of web pages and how different elements such as text, images and links are displayed. Even if you don't want to become a web developer, knowledge of HTML and CSS is very valuable. As a marketer or data analyst, for example, it is also useful to understand how websites work, how they are read by search engines and how you can make small adjustments to web pages yourself.

It doesn't matter what or to what extent you use the internet, everyone comes into contact with HTML. But if you want to become a web developer, knowledge of HTML and CSS is an absolute must. Just ask Google (Or Chat GPT 😉 ) which skills are most important for a web developer. You guessed it: HTML and CSS.

    Learn HTML and CSS on Collow

    Learning HTML and CSS is and remains extremely valuable for a (web) developer. That is why we have also developed an HTML training on Collow! In our HTML and CSS Fundamentals training you will learn all the basic concepts of HTML, CSS and how websites work. Combine this training with our JavaScript training and you are well on your way to becoming a web developer!

    HTML and CSS training

    In this training you will learn about HTML and CSS and how to use these languages in web development. You will learn about the headers and bodies of HTML text, but also about the countless different HTML tags. In addition, we also teach you about using CSS in our training. CSS is, as it were, the design of a web page. The structure you set up in HTML can be translated into a beautiful web page with CSS.

    As you can see, HTML cannot be viewed as a standalone language, but can only be understood in context with the languages that work with it. That is why our training is structured that way. You can even prepare yourself for a career as a professional web developer at Collow! Have you become enthusiastic and would you like to know more about our HTML training? Then check the HTML course page and register to start learning right now!