Editor tool

Translate your own content to AI powered learning experiences

Match your expertise with the power of AI

We have achieved 70% time savings thanks to Collow's AI powered learning experiences."

Jan-Willem Ligtelijn

Managing partner at Young_Coders


  • AI powered instruction videos in more than 130 languages. Choose between more than 160 avatars.
  • Translated to more than 60 languages in one click using AI
  • Automatic review of assignments
  • Didactic structure
  • Issue customized training certificate

Assisted by our consultants

    Writing your own courses in the editor tool offers ultimate flexibility, but also takes time. Time from your best experts who are already busy. In addition to the virtual power of AI, our realworld Collow consultants are ready to support you with creating courses and to implement existing e-learnings for your organization.


    When to use the editor tool

    Do you need more control on the onboarding of new employees?

    Translate onboarding programs into e-learnings with the editor tool and monitor their progress.

    Do you develop software?

    Create your own courses in Collow en educate your partners and clients by using your own e-learning Academy.

    Dynamic business?

    Is there a lot of change in your industry, and do you want your e-learning courses to change flexibly? You can publish changes to your e-learning environment at the touch of a button.

    Do you need multilanguage e-learnings?

    Your courses can be translated to more than 60 different languages.

    Plan a demo

    Are you curious on how the editor tool works and how you can save up to 70% of your time by developing AI powered courses? Book a demo, and we're happy to show you.