Discover your

e-learning academy



being able to efficiently transfer all your technical knowledge with a branded academy.

  • In your company's corporate identity
  • Optimally set up with AI for your e-learning
  • Assignments are automatically checked
  • A dashboard to monitor student progress


this academy is already ready for you.

  • Teaching modules in all programming languages
  • Add courses yourself
  • Useful AI tools to develop the ultimate learning path for your students


that you want to start your academy next week.

Then we have some good news for you…

The benefits of your academy

Your academy in your corporate identity

Develop new courses with AI

Follow students via a dashboard

Add courses yourself

Use existing modules

Have assignments checked automatically

Save 70% time with the power of AI

These people are already enthusiastic

“Thanks to the Collow LMS, our IT trainees can consult knowledge sources anytime, anywhere.”

Jan-Willem Ligtelijn

"In our industry we cannot sit and wait for good professionals. That's why we train them ourselves."

Kevin van der Linde

“Collow makes learning scalable!”

Frenk Reemer
Docent at Collow